Why subscribe?

Somebody who read my work (which still shocks me!) told me this thing was a little all over the place and well, that almost feels like the greatest compliment. When writing or reading or thinking about all the atrocities of living in 2020 and *gasp* the thought of how things will be going forward or even the taxing existential exercises that we go through (or that I will push you towards) sometimes it’s nice to also get a good chili recipe or play armchair quarterback or a playlist or anything that distracts you from the bigger picture.

That’s just life and uh, that’s showbiz baby!

While I have a better idea of where this is going vs where I started from, it’s all still up in the air and all I can ask is you join me for the ride.

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If you actually subscribe to this I will be forever in your debt or even if you wronged me or choose to do so, I’ll think “well at least they are a subscriber” and won’t be too mad.

You will receive minimal updates (like once or twice a month) which is at least 90% less than whatever weird mailing list you’ve been meaning to unsubscribe from.

If that doesn’t convince you to subscribe you can always check out the site to see everything as it gets published.

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Subscribe to Death Before Grad School

Meandering Through the Void =)